Saturday, January 12, 2019

Oil Painting Study #1 Imprimatura & Grisaille Techniques

Oil Painting Study #1   Imprimatura & Grisaille Techniques

What? / The Challenge: 
    Using the techniques described during the in-class demonstration complete one study beginning with the burnt sienna "wipe-out method" (or imprimatura) to establish the initial tonal composition of your painting based on the simple still-life set-up you created. 
    On the second day, build the second layer, further developing the light and shade and form of your objects and background using the grisaille method (a palette consisting of ultramarine blue, burn sienna and titanium white).
Why? / Goals: 
    Through this first study you will learn the basics of working with oil paint in our studio.
    You will gain some familiarity with the use of turpentine and other materials and techniques specific to oil painting. 
    You will learn one of the ways in which artists construct traditional oil paintings. Enabling you to work from the most general information with the most minimal of tools (one brush and rag) into somewhat more refined use of more colors and brushes bringing about more of a sense of chiaroscuro (dramatic light and shade). 
    This study will draw on and reinforce the observational skills we began to develop with our "5 Grays" painting. 
Then What?: This will, most likely, provide you with an strategy for approaching much more complex paintings in the near future. Painters need to have at least a couple of strategies in their toolbox for approaching paintings.

Time Frame: Three or four class periods

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